Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hewlett Packard 4396B Network/Spectrum/Impedance Analyzer

The Agilent 4396B provides excellent RF vector network, spectrum, and optional impedance measurements for lab and production applications. Gain, phase, group delay, distortion, spurious, CN, and noise measurements often required for evaluating components and circuits can be measured using one instrument. When combined with a test set, the Agilent 4396B provides reflection measurements, such as return loss, and SWR, and S parameters. As a vector network analyzer, the Agilent 4396B operates from 100 kHz to 1.8 GHz with 1 mHz resolution and its integrated synthesized source provides -60 to +20 dBm of output power with 0.1 dB resolution. The dynamic magnitude and phase accuracy are +/-0.05 dB and +/-0.3deg so that it can accurately measure gain and group delay flatness, which are becoming more important in modern electronics systems. As a spectrum analyzer, the 4396B operates from 2 Hz to 1.8 GHz with resolution bandwidths (RBWs) spanning 1 Hz to 3 MHz in a 1-3-10 sequence. A fully-synthesized local oscillator allows stable and accurate frequency analysis. Direct A/D conversion (no LOG amplifier is used) results in +/-1.0 dB overall level accuracy. Noise sidebands fall below -105 dBc/Hz offset 10 kHz from carriers below 1 GHz, while sensitivity is -50 dBm/Hz at 10 MHz and -147 dBm/Hz at 1 GHz. In addition, with two independent display channels available, you can simultaneously view network and spectrum (or transmission and reflection) characteristics of the device under test in split-screen format. For example, an amplifier's frequency response (network measurement) and distortion (spectrum measurement) can be shown at the same time. Key Features and Specifications Full-vector network and spectrum measurement and analysis Wide dynamic range network measurement with fast sweep speeds +/-0.05 dB/ +/-0.3deg C dynamic magnitude/phase accuracy Extremely fast narrowband spectrum measurement Impedance analysis option and test kit available +/-1.0 dB level accuracy for spectrum analysis -150 dBm/Hz sensitivity for spectrum analysis Built-in IBASIC for easy test automation Time-gated spectrum analysis option Color TFT display and built-in disk drive/RAM disk

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Below is the overview of specifications and descriptions of the HP Agilent 4396B Network / Spectrum / Impedance Analyzer we are selling at USD10K only!!!

Scroll down below for the description, terms, and the actual pictures.

BUY THIS HP Agilent 4396B RF Analyzer NOW!!!

Send email to automationsureplus@gmail.com and we will send you paypal invoice to facilitate secured payment.

Thank you.

Manufacturer's datasheet of HP Agilent 4396B Network / Spectrum / Impedance Analyzer equipment can be seen here


HP AGILENT 4396B RF Network / Spectrum / Impedance Analyzer, 100 kHz to 1.8 GHz / 2 Hz to 1.8 GHz

Key Specifications

Key Features

  • High-performance network, spectrum, and impedance analyzers in a single box
  • Built-in IBASIC
  • GPIB port, digital I/O port

Network Analysis

  • Frequency range: 100 kHz to 1.8 GHz
  • 120 dB dynamic range @ 10 Hz IFBW
  • +/- 0.05 dB, +/- 0.3 degree dynamic accuracy

Spectrum Analysis

  • Frequency range: 2 Hz to 1.8 GHz
  • -147 dBm/Hz sensitivity @ 1 GHz
  • Lower than +/- 1.0 dB level accuracy
  • Time-gated spectrum analysis option (4396B-1D6)

Impedance Analysis (Option 4396B-010)

  • Frequency range: 100 kHz to 1.8 GHz
  • Equivalent circuit analysis function


Discontinuance Notice: The 4396B will be discontinued as of June 1, 2009 and end of support life will be June 1, 2014. The 4396V (Option Upgrade Kit for the 4396B) will remain orderable.

Replacement solutions:

Network Analyzer

Spectrum Analyzer

Impedance Analyzer

* The test fixtures used for the 4396B's impedance analyzer mode can be used for the 4287A/E4991A.

The 4396B provides excellent RF vector network, spectrum, and optional impedance measurements for lab and production applications. Gain, phase, group delay, distortion, spurious, CN, and noise measurements often required for evaluating components and circuits can be measured using one instrument.

When combined with a test set, the 4396B provides reflection measurements, such as return loss, and SWR, and S parameters. As a vector network analyzer, the 4396B operates from 100 kHz to 1.8 GHz with 1 mHz resolution and its integrated synthesized source provides -60 to +20 dBm of output power with 0.1 dB resolution. The dynamic magnitude and phase accuracy are +/-0.05 dB and +/-0.3 deg so that it can accurately measure gain and group delay flatness, which are becoming more important in modern electronics systems.

As a spectrum analyzer, the 4396B operates from 2 Hz to 1.8 GHz with resolution bandwidths (RBWs) spanning 1 Hz to 3 MHz in a 1-3-10 sequence. A fully-synthesized local oscillator allows stable and accurate frequency analysis. Direct A/D conversion (no LOG amplifier is used) results in +/-1.0 dB overall level accuracy. Noise sidebands fall below -105 dBc/Hz offset 10 kHz from carriers below 1 GHz, while sensitivity is -150 dBm/Hz at 10 MHz and -147 dBm/Hz at 1 GHz. In addition, with two independent display channels available, you can simultaneously view network and spectrum (or transmission and reflection) characteristics of the device under test in split-screen format. For example, an amplifier's frequency response (network measurement) and distortion (spectrum measurement) can be shown at the same time.

Source: Agilent

FOR SALE -- WOW! Very Good Condition HP Agilent 4396B Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer - Cheapest Price!!! Lowest Price!!!

FOR SALE! HP Agilent 4396B Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer - USD10K ONLY!!!

We have one unit of HP Agilent 4396B Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer available for sale at USD10K only. This Agilent Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer Model 4396B is actually a sort of three types of equipment rolled into one nicely packaged, portable, professional, and precision analyzer equipment.

This HP Agilent 4396B Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer equipment we are selling is guaranteed fully functional, guaranteed to be in good cosmetics, and comes with 14 days money back guarantee.

We accept paypal payments only. Buy this item now and your DHL shipping is FREE.

For your reference, above are the pictures of the actual item HP Agilent 4396B Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer equipment we are selling.

RESERVE THIS ITEM NOW!!! Send an email to automationsureplus@gmail.com so we can send you the PayPal invoice to facilitate secured payment.

Thank you.

Why are you selling this HP Agilent 4396B Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer here and not on Ebay?
Yes, we have an Ebay store, but this equipment HP Agilent 4396B Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer is not yet offered yet on our Ebay AUTOMATION SUREPLUS store site. The analyzer is listed here first for the benefit of our return customers to give the first priority to purchase as we have many return customers asking for discounts that are already quite comfortable dealing with us, this site is for them. By taking out some costs of doing business on Ebay site, we can pass the savings to them directly and offer them a much lower priced item for an HP Agilent 4396B Analyzer, maybe even the lowest priced item available online.

How can we guarantee that you are the same entity you mention on Ebay?
To verify our authenticity, you can ask us a question pertaining this particular HP Agilent 4396B Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer equipment from our ebay store site and you will receive our reply through the Ebay system (you must have an ebay account). To ask a question to us, or if you would like this item to be bought from our Ebay AUTOMATION SUREPLUS store instead, please go to our site and click on any product (ask question is on the right, below the user name). To go to our AUTOMATION SUREPLUS store now, please click here

We are a first time buyer from your site, if we will buy this HP Agilent 4396B Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer, how secured is our order with you?
We only accept credit cards through paypal payments, the payment security is guaranteed by paypal.

If we make the order now for this HP Agilent 4396B Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer equipment, how soon can we receive the item?
For sensitive items like this, we use DHL shipping. Shipping time varies by location but is generally fast, between 3 to 7 working days. For you peace of mind, DHL provides online tracking of shipments.

Can we make the purchase of this HP Agilent 4396B Network Spectrum Impedance Analyzer from this website now?
Yes, we only got one of this type of HP Agilent equipment and not so sure when can we have a similar equipment. If you want to buy this item now and avail of the substantial savings offer, RESERVE THIS ITEM NOW!!! Send an email to automationsureplus@gmail.com, we will be sending you paypal invoice for the secured payment.